The IXYS 6423 is a semiconductor device known as a dual thyristor, designed explicitly for phase control applications. It is a solid-state switch containing two internally connected thyristors. Thyristors are like electronic switches that allow current to flow in one direction only. The dual configuration in the IXYS 6423 essentially creates a single switch capable of handling higher currents.
Benefits for You
- It handles up to 180A continuously (or 364A for short bursts), making it suitable for controlling high-power AC loads.
- Allows for precise control of power delivered to an AC load by regulating the point at which the current starts flowing within each cycle.
- Offers advantages over traditional mechanical relays like silent operation, faster switching speeds, and potentially longer lifespan.
Applications Areas
The IXYS 6423 is a versatile component for controlling high-power AC loads in various industrial and commercial settings, such as:
- AC Motor Speed Control: In applications like industrial fans or pumps, enabling precise control over motor speed.
- Lighting Control Systems: Dimmer switches and other lighting control systems are utilised to regulate brightness levels.
- Power Supply Circuits: Regulating power delivery in various electronic devices.