The NXP (PHILIPS) MMBT3904,215 is a general-purpose NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) known for its high current gain and low saturation voltage. It's commonly used in switching and amplifier applications due to its robust performance and reliability. This transistor is ideal for a variety of electronic applications requiring reliable performance, compact size, and efficient operation. This NPN silicon epitaxial planar transistor is designed for high-speed switching and general-purpose applications.
Impressive Features and Benefits of Using the NXP (PHILIPS) MMBT3904,215, NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor
- High current gain, ensuring efficient amplification.
- Low saturation voltage, providing faster switching speeds.
- Compact SOT23 surface-mount package, suitable for high-density PCB designs.
- Wide range of operating conditions, making it versatile for various applications.
Where Can I Use the NXP (PHILIPS) MMBT3904,215, NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor?
- Used in digital and analogue circuits for signal amplification.
- Employed in switching applications, such as driving LEDs and relays.
- Integrated into RF circuits for its high-frequency response.
- Utilised in sensor circuits and small signal processing.