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Showing Results For: Bipolar Transistors
Bipolar transistors, also called bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), are three-terminal semiconductor devices that control current flow between two terminals (collector and emitter) by applying a smaller current to the third terminal (base). Unlike unipolar transistors (FETs), which use only one charge carrier type (either electrons or holes), BJTs use both electrons and holes, hence the name "bipolar." They are fundamental building blocks in many electronic circuits, serving as switches or amplifiers.
Bipolar transistors offer several advantages that make them a popular choice in various applications. They provide high current gain, meaning a small base current controls a large collector current, making them efficient for switching and amplification. They also have a wide range of operating frequencies, making them suitable for both low-frequency and high-frequency applications. While newer technologies like MOSFETs have become prevalent, BJTs remain relevant due to their specific performance characteristics and cost-effectiveness in certain applications.
We offer a comprehensive range of bipolar transistors, including NPN and PNP types, to meet diverse circuit requirements.
Bipolar transistors find applications in a wide array of electronic devices and circuits: